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!Eskerrik asko, Donastia!


Chicas, que buena conferencia! a mi, me han gustado mucho de re-pensar el concepto de violencia sexista y el feminismo para el siglo XXI - especialmente construir la guerilla transfeminista ;-) y mostrar varios applicaciónes por la noche en Doka! De-construir para desolonizar nuestros cuerpos, re-construir a-generados seres, vivos, humanos, exultantes - la libertad de ser como nos sentimos y no como otros quieren vernos.

Para mi, estaba tambien la primera vez que ha performado "Remembrance", inspirada del dia del recuerdo los trans* asesinato/as en el ano pasado. Horas buscando bellas en toda la ciutad, para finalmente quemar mi pulgar - pero, qué es - nada comparable con lo qué han sufrido antes de morir.

Espero volver en Espana el ano proximo. Barcelona, esta Ud. lista?



ILGA Trans*rights Conference in Malta

It started quite harsh. What do you think of this welcome board at the airport??? That is quite something I would say...

Especially as the frame for the ILGA Trans*Rights conference held on Wed. October, 28th in Malta. Their poster look much better, look...:

Trans*rights Malta

After the arrival at the quite impressive location of the Centre for Creativity of St James Cavalier, dedicated to contemporary arts, it all went so fast: 4 hours sound check with my great technician Katya, one hour show in front of the ILGA delegates, a nice cruise through the beautiful harbours of Malta, and a roof-top tour around this beautiful island. I promised to come back, and I will..

St james cavalier

Valleta Center


Mdina skyline

and then, on my way back to the airport, I see the campaign billboarded by ILGA all around the island... yeah, this gives a realy good balance to my first impression! A city built by gentlemen for gentlemen loving gentlemen, ahaha ;-)

Different families same love


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Rampensau + Bühnenfieber = rampenfiber Vienna

Tja, wie wäre es mit ein bißchen Deutsch bloggen für einmal? Zur Ehre der tollen Festival Macherinnen des Fiber in Wien! Rampenfiber kommt eigentlich von Rampensau + Bühnenfieber, also mindestens ist das meine Definition und es trifft auch 100%. Fantastic programme, great musicians, cool mix and good discussions... I came back with awesome CDs from my colleagues and heard them while the washing machine was doing the drums... my Tshirts were soaked from energy, challenge to be back on stage after 6 months creative break, with some new stuff, but the most soaking experience was for sure the emotion of the audience, yeah, Vienna, I asked you to show me what you've got, und Ihr habt es mir echt gegeben :-) so, muß jetzt die Wäsche hängen. Und die CD von allroh noch einmal hören, die geht unter der Hautmembranen und läßt meine Sinnsensoren explodieren. Und danach Lissi Dancefloor Disaster, um den Schlafmangel ein wenig zu verschieben. Und danach, vielleicht, endlich mal tanzen. Äh, schlafen. Feminist danger zone

Fiber wien

More on missy magazine and!

go to article on missy magazine

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Farewell Show for Ric makes it in the news…

Freundschaften wollen gepflegt sein wie ein Töpfchen Basilikum. Zu wenig Aufmerksamkeit ist ebenso Gift für das zarte Pflänzchen wie zu viel. Darüber konnte sich meine Freundin Antje in letzter Zeit tatsächlich nicht beschweren. Ich hatte anderes im Sinn, den Frühling. Zum Ausgleich ihres Darbens schlug ich ihr eine Kneipentour vor. Nur wir zwei. So wie früher. Kreuzkölln mit seinen aus jeder Mauerritze sprießenden Kneipen erschien mir das geeignetes Pflaster.

Während die Abendsonne hinter den alten Dächern versank, starteten wir mit einem Bier in der Reuterstraße, gemächlich wollten wir uns die Weserstraße vorantrinken. Ich hoffte inständig, dass es nicht zu Problem-Puzzeleien kommen würde und plauderte ein wenig aus dem Nähkästchen. Uns wurde kühl auf den Second-Hand-Stühlen draußen auf dem Gehsteig - wir zogen eine Kneipe weiter. Im Silverfuture sollte unsere Tour dann aber bereits enden. Nicht, weil wir uns doch noch stritten. Nicht, weil einer von uns übel wurde. Nein, ein Bär mit liebreizendem Püppchengesicht war es, der uns zum Bleiben bewegte.

Die aufgeregte Stimmung in der johannisbeerfarbenen Bar war vielversprechend. Richard wollte Berlin verlassen, ihn zog es nach Brüssel, ein Job bei der EU. Ich kannte zwar keinen Richard, brauchte aber nur für zwei Astra anzustehen, um dies zu erfahren. Während ich wartete, blickte ich auf ein Audrey-Hepburn-Plakat. Ein schwarzer Schnurrbart schwang sich über ihre Oberlippe. Eine etwa zwei Meter große Frau mit brünetter Mähne und schwarzem Abendkleid drängte sich an mir vorbei. An der Theke saßen junge Männer mit Dreitagebart und weiblichen Gesichtszügen. Freundin Antje mutmaßte, dass wir auf einem Trans-Inter-Queer-Abend gelandet seien.

Die Musik verstummte, das Licht ging aus. Auf einem kleinen Fernsehapparat wurde ein Film gestartet. "Tschü-hüss, Richard" riefen sie in die Kamera, "komm bald wieder". Meine Freundin blickte mich verzückt an. Danach sang einer der Dreitagebärtler auf der kleinen Bühne "für Rischard" einen französischen Pop-Song. Isch war 'ingerissen. Immer mehr Menschen drängten sich in die kleine Bar. Ein neues Kaltgetränk zu besorgen, verlangte mittlerweile einiges an Geduld. Auf der Bühne wurde eine Nummer nach der anderen dargeboten. Zwei Leute mit bunten Perücken sangen statt "Leaving On A Jetplane" den abgeänderten Text: "Rischard, don't go to Brüssel". Ein so herrlich lakonisches Understatement hatte ich bisher noch nie gesehen. Ich wünschte mir, die beiden wären für Deutschland zum Grand Prix angetreten.

Die Tunte von der Theke trällerte dem Scheidenden schließlich auch ein Liedchen. Dass die CD mit dem Playback immer wieder sprang und von Anfang startete, überspielte die Zwei-Meter-Frau kein bisschen. Tapfer begann auch sie immer wieder von vorne, bis ihr Auftritt in einem Lachanfall endete. Freundin Antje schien ihre Verstimmung mittlerweile völlig vergessen zu haben und ich dankte der Trans-Szene dafür mit eifrigem Applaus. Noch während ich mir die Handflächen dunkelrosa klatschte, kam der Bär.

Er sah aus wie Balu aus dem Dschungelbuch - nur in Lebensgröße. Zwei puschige Öhrchen standen vom Kopfe ab, sein dicker Bauch schwang jeder Bewegungen gemütlich hinterher und an seinem fülligen Po wedelte ein kleines Schwänzchen. Das braune zottige Ganzkörper-Kostüm sparte nur das Gesicht aus. "Viola!" rief es aus dem Publikum - und nun erkannte auch ich die Züge der Theken-Tunte, ihre langen falschen Wimpern, das kokette Rouge auf ihren Wangen.

Musik im Achtziger-Jahre-Billig-Sound donnerte los. "Was hat sie, was ich nicht habe? Was hat sie? Was hat sie? Was hat sie?" sang der Bär mit der Stimme von Katja Ebstein und seine Lippen glänzten dunkelrot. Zu dem Takt der hysterischen Eifersuchtshymne beschwerte sich das Berliner Maskottchen, dass Richard Brüssel den Vorzug geben mochte. Elegant schwang er seine pelzigen Arme, stemmte entrüstet die Pfoten in die Hüften und zog die Schultern kokett zum Kinn. Die Weiblichkeit seiner Gesten standen derart im Widerspruch zu der Schwerfälligkeit des Bärenkostüms, dass Audrey Hepburn vor Neid der Schnauzer hätte abfallen müssen.

Als Freundin Antje und ich dann spät in der Nacht das Silverfuture verließen, waren wir nicht nur erfüllt von der Wirkung des Weingeistes, sondern auch ergriffen von der Mühe, die sich eine Bar voller Menschen für ihren Freund gemacht hatte. Unsere Zwistigkeiten kamen uns plötzlich läppisch vor. Richard in Brüssel, wir danken dir.



Genderotica in Italia

The Airport of Venezia welcomes me first with a real drag/herm campaign... and then with the beautiful Linda, my driver to the long series of rehearsals at the Teatro Giovanni Poli... and pink clothes all over the streets. Sounds like a really great start...

The audience at the theater is more than reserved. It seems we are doing a pionner work at the theater, first drag show ever in a mainstreamand quite official place. But Eye Wild Drag is doing the greatest job. High Class performances playing with lights, shadows, sounds and projections, we never were together on stage and we combine perfectly, neatlessly, flowing and flying to finally get the first reactions of an amazed bunch of spectators: yeah, we are marvellous between the genders! And we will show it the next eve at the nice "Pixelle" Bar, where Marlene joined us, and our brilliant CHEF cooks the most trans* tasteful dishes. One of them is "sodomize your taste"... wanna a bite? ;-)

Starving all along the week-end. Who said Italy has a great food? I only want to eat what Martina's cooking. But it seems we never manage anything else than Ciabattas and Pizza in the post exotic places between rehearsals and travelling and performing...

We finished the tour at Trash&Chic in Noale, after being lost on our way, under streams of rain in the night, in the middle of nowhere in the countryside. Actually we don't ever want to finish that tour. We will make the next one soon. In the South ;-)



Berlinale 2009: screenings, parties, shows - Teddies!

Fucking Different Tel Aviv couldn't have a best international Premiere than the Berlinale! But for the first time I was not only enjoying the Berlinale as the lead actor of "Désarmés" (November Wanderin, 2008), missing my partner Ofer Regirer.. but also as the host of the VIP Lounge of the Teddy Awards Party... and as a performer to present my dear colleagues of the Squeeze Box Band - the queerest Rock Band of the world, on that night on stage with Peaches and the most gorgeous Joey Arias. They ROCKED us queeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!! Océan & November Wanderin

Teddy Awards

Teddy Party Flyer



Closing 2008 at the KLUB in Nice...

A friend told me I looked like a mega trav' with that dress. No wonder i could win the Trav'Academy on December 28th in my childhood town Nice ;-) Actually, I was simply on holiday with no intention except doing nothing... didn't even know about clubs there until I met Emmanuel (who gave me the flyer...) and Jean-Baptiste...He said the Klub was THE club to go, the biggest gay venue on the Côte d'azur. And there was this drag contest coming up (actually, drag queen contest as I am not so sure they saw many kings before last night...). And the fact is I broke my rib by helping somebody on the train a couple of days ago... And the person I trust most keeps telling me the stage is always healing me. So I decided to go. To heal, of course. I always forget everything on stage. Pain, doubt, tireness, tensions, the stage is the place to be... indeed I had no choice, right?

I decided to improvise Femme like You with a minimum of accessoires and bought the rest in a rush hour, and finally convinced the Jury and the audience, first puzzled about who the f* I could be, a man or a woman, I heard it was the question of the night!

The very best was as the Ex of Jean Baptiste asked me: but how could you win if you're not even in drag? :-)  Guys, I tell you, I have to work on my passing to allow more trans*visibility..

But the most important was to meet LaBlack, Emmanuel at the technique, Moussette, Ilona, Arnaud et Karim qui en a même décidé de tourner gay... hmm..

Alors comme j'ai gagné entre autres un week-end à Nice, je reviendrais y remettre le feu cet été!

BONNE ET HEUREUSE ANNÉE À TOUS!!!! les chiffres de 2009 semblent dejá très érotiques non...? ;-9

Champagne Gai



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Closing the Tour in a Crisscrossing Night.

Crisscrossing Night. Photo: Tania A. Yeah, in 2008, I have indeed come full circle, and back in drag to see what´s on the slab... was ready to make it here, in Berlin, for one first and last time, and one time only, in the place that started it all. Six years crisscrossing borders, five continents, 24 frames per second and a couple of broken hearts later, including mine, back at the Schwuz in Berlin to pack it all into one evening only!

A show to break the surface and fathom the depths of Océan.... Beyond every horizon, the ebb and flow between the poles. Creation and destruction. Serenity and ferociousness. Male and female. Fluidity embodied. Abandon all borders, you who enter, and be ready to be swept away... Refuse to be contained. Stretch your comfort zone!

All the acts which had travelled around the globe with me plus all roles, all characters, all genders, all the best in a flamboyant CrissCrossing night with family & friends, and YEAH they were nearly all here at the Schwuz, came from Brussels, Hanover, London, Paris, Sao Paolo, for one night or one week. Oh gosh guys you made my day, well my night, so thank you so much for that celebration over the all borders!

Amaury came to help me remember these moments... Thank you so much, amor! ;-)

Getting ready... for the first show above one full hour! Backstage by Amaury Grisel

Makeup by Amaury Grisel

Shaving by Amaury Grisel First part was all about love...

Groom by Amaury Grisel

.. premiering "Slow" on my skin...

... the second part was completely between the genders...

Homme by Amaury Grisel

Cendrillon by Amaury Grisel

Dure Limite by Amaury Grisel

Dolce Vita by Amaury Grisel

... and the third part was going far beyond the borders!

King and Gay by Amaury Grisel

Homophobia by Amaury Grisel

... nearly burnt the Schwuz down with La Bombe Humaine...

Bombe 2 by Amaury Grisel

Bombe 3 by Amaury Grisel

... to complete the show by fucking lookism!!!!!!!!!

Trav' Look by Amaury Grisel

Just the Way I am by Amaury Grisel

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Pigalle is Back au Divan du Monde...

Un show très bas résille et très poilu, très dénudé et très habillé, des artistes qui avaient plaisir d'être ensemble en coulisses et backstage, Télérama et Libé et les Inrocks ne pouvaient pas se tromper: PIGALLE WAS REALLY BACK en cette soirée du 9 Novembre! Pigalle is back by axel léotardL'atmosphère du Divan plein à craquer nous met tous sur des ondulations de fréquences très intenses ... les oreilles sont affûtées, les yeux du public s'écarquillent entre nos genres et nos performances qui illuminent les murs, font vibrer les tympans et ruisseler les tempes... la scène transpire.

Je suis tellement transporté que j'oublie de crier au public que si je choisis de chanter Dure limite ce soir là, c'est aussi parce que c'est le 19ème anniversaire de la chute du mur. Qui aura reconnu la date? j'arrive au moins à citer Obama - we 're gonna break these walls...

Bambi by axel léotard

Résilles pigalle par axel léotard

deborah dégoût by axel léotard

Kneeing O by axel léotard

La magie d'un moment imprévu entre le stress technique, un moment de concentration dans l'effervescence de la ruche multigenrée, une cigarette dans un courant d'air vif, le partage des intimités dans le backstage, aux côtés d'amis improbables et pourtant de confiance... Axel nous prend en photo. Intime, à peine remarqué. Je suis heureux d'avoir une trace sous toutes les coutures de ma rencontre avec Bambi... qui m'a touché par sa générosité,  son understatement, son côté un peu timide... un rien incertaine, un rien super star, la grande classe... car ce soir-là, elle montait sur scène pour la première fois après 35 ans d'absence, et je crois que sa voix en a ému plus d'un(e)... moi en premier, qui la voit partir sur scène avec son manteau fourrée de plumes roses, son corps longiligne aux formes parfaites, quelle femme!!!!!!!!!

Je suis reparti un peu triste, déjà nostalgique, comme toujours quand je quitte une ville ou un pays où je viens de partager des moments intenses sur scène ou derrière les rideaux, avec des inconnus qui soudainement sont si proches qu'on aimerait les embrasser, sachant qu'on risque ne jamais les revoir..

O @ pigalle backstage by Axel Léotard


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Drag King Extravaganza in Columbus...

Again a great place to come full circle on earth: Columbus! Trip back home, as the International Drag King Extravaganza was born here 10 years ago. Well, it is my last but not least last station on the globe, and I like it to be called Colombus, even if I don't feel like Christopher at all... The peaks of the trip? :-)

Youngest Drag King by Tania A. ... meet the youngest Drag King on earth!!!

Océan, Kyrahm and Julius by Tania A.

... build a european combo with my dearest italian friends Julius & Kyrahm!

Without Homophobia by Tania A.

... give an european/french political dimension to the american way of show business!!!

Catwalk by Tania A.

... learn to be a top model under the professional guidance of Kyrahm!

Backstage girls

... share my backstage with the beautiful bellydancers, just for them to change after the opening of the show... well, they accepted me only if I would behave properly as a brave boy in the corner of the room... ;-)

... and being freed to go, I could explode even more  on stage :-)

IDKE's, see you all again in Tucson next year!

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Touring ... with Madonna ;-)

Touring with Madonna Yeah, indeed!!! The Queen of Pop is touring parallely on the East Coast.. On October 11th I'm also in a Square Garden... performing in Le Petit Versailles, a beautiful little garden of East Village, managed by the lovely Peter and Jack. And it is sold out too ;-)

It felt like a poetic end summer night dream..

Screen garden

The Boston Theater is quite full on Tuesday night - the press has been largely covering the event and the audience is extremely receptive, in excellent mood, warmly welcoming.... First time ever starting with a full show before a screening. And the Q&As were certainly quite challenging without the filmmaker by my side this time!

Boston Press

But the best moments of New York and Boston were above all, to spend time with dear friends, or recognize in the audience a Berliner friend just before going on stage, or being embraced from another one who just moved to Boston and came after: he had received the mail of... my first stage partner!!!

The world is so small. especially when you notice your New Yorker freinds are friend with the friend of the friend who attended the show by surprise...

Lost in relations ;-)

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Bayangkan hiduplo... @ Q! Indonesia ;-)

Guess where to What a Welcome

What a welcome. It remembered me of Zurich Airport, warmly welcoming the French - for whatever reason -.. it is the first time in the tour the first words I read are: DEATH PENALTY. I have to think about the questionnaire I had to complete before entering the Indonesian territory: are you carrying film material? are you importing pornographic items to the country? Well. Is a stuffer pornographic? A dildo? A harnass? Is a multimedia show burnt on DVD a film? Shall I cross yes or no? I let you guess :-) at any case: I managed to get in easier than in Israel!!

Jakarta is a HUGE traffic jam in a pre-national-day fever... I thought I knew what it means to drive like mad after my experience in Sri Lanka, but there is obviously always a possibility for improvement on this earth.. :-) It is stricly speaking possible to go by foot, but practically impossible. At any case: any transportation from A to B necessitates half an hour at least, wherever you go, better: one hour. For sure if I write a song on Jakarta, it will be about the traffic...

Jakarta Skyline

Street Vendors Actually, no! it will be about the LADIES'FLOOR of the fully booked hotel. I tried to explain to the receptionnist that it might be quite a hassle to have a room on a floor where no man is allowed, with a female security guard taking care of any unwelcomed visitor with a beard and an obviously masculine outfit - there is no other possibility for me than to ask for a specific escort to go to my room on the 15th floor. Every night!!! The Ladies' Floor :-) Do I look like a Lady? The security Guard decides than NO, pretty much like everybody here adressing me as a man, if I wear a beard or none - this is not a relevant indicator any more here. Or not a sufficient one ;-)


Tea or Coffee

But still, quite a lot of participants have been enrolling for the king's workshop. Concentrated faces. Humourous questions. Excellent mood. Serious work. Guys, you really made my eve on that day!

Workshop participants

preparing the materials

Amaury trying to open a glue bottle

beard technique

true guy

en avoir ou pas

Before leaving for Bali and more fun, more screenings, more parties, a huge party has been organized to close the Java part of the Q! Festival... I was too glad to make the first Drag King Show on the Island that evening, in the most beautiful location on the Beach, the Segara... before we all drunk too much of that interesting cocktail and went crazy on the dance floor under the fireworks, the moon... and the fog.

Segara pelouse

Segara screen

First King Show

First King Show

Bali team @ kudos_3



Kings Contest at the Gay Village in Rome

On stage at Kings Village Dure Limite Rome

on stage at Kings Village 1

The story is: I did not want to go to Rome. I did not like the idea of a Contest at all!! Then Ivan (the Terrible, he earns his name..) and Julius were talking to me, convincing me it would be a lot of fun on stage. And it was!! All the performers from Peru, Mexico, through the States, till all the way to Belgium, France and Germany, had a hard job  and loads of joy to impress the professional Jury made of film makers, script writers, actors, singers and journalists... They themselves had a hard job to nominate the 3 best performances of the evening achieving the first KINGS Village event.. I was very honoured to win the first Prize, grazie, Roma!

All contest artists

Premio at the Contest

Could this have been a best birthday present? Because the most exceptional event will have been the presence of my father and mother and teacher Diane Torr, on the exact day of my artistic birth 6 years ago. Yeah! I had to celebrate this by offering her an hommage performance :-)


Performing "Homophobia" @ Gay Village

I still have in my nose the smell of the pine trees and in my hear the uninterrupted song of the crickets invading the open air backstage... the beautiful garden of Julius' place... I felt really like home in Roma, thanks to my bothers there who opened their home so lovely to me.

The most moving thing was to feel being understood in a deeper way than usual, too, and the way the italian groups I saw there or even already in Berlin is near to my understanding of performances and "mise en scène", as we say in French. I could relate well to the esthetics and the dramatics, probably the French are nearer to the Italians than both are ready to admit.. ;-)  I became a fan of Eyes wild drag.. Julius & Kyrahm... see you soon, dears.

bianco spruzzy senith océan diane

Eyes Wild Drag

Julius Kaiser

Eyes Wild Drag

Have a look for a 5-minute report on TV on this exceptionnal event on Donna TV!


Or listen to the interviews of King Alberto from London and myself on deegay radio!



Slam contest at the Kesselhaus

Kesselhaus Waow, la Kulturbrauerei, what a venue, oh dear!!!!! Le trac me prend dès que je rentre, je sens que je vais oublier mon texte appris trop tard, en montant les marches de la scène, je décide de couper 2 strophes, et puis j'empoigne le micro, j'oublie tout, les mots s'envolent dans la salle attentive, et je sais et je sens que ce n'en restera pas à une première fois..

La caution



Représentons la Rotes Haus

ROTES HAUS . Repräsentanten der Nacht . Schauplätze einer MetropoleKuratiert von Lena Braun im Künstlerhaus Bethanien/Kunstraum Kreuzberg

Rotes HausDie Ausstellung ROTES HAUS nimmt sich wie Otto Dix, Conrad Felixmüller, George Grosz, Ludwig Meidner und Lyonel Feiniger zu Zeiten des Expressionismus, die Großstadt zum Thema. Die Expressionisten sahen die Großstadt als gesellschaftlichen Lebensraum, thematisierten Architektur in ihrer ganzen Brisanz und sahen den Mensch nicht als Individuum, sondern in seiner Funktion als gesellschaftliches Wesen. Sie versuchten den ‚Moloch’, dem sie selbst erlagen, objektiv darzustellen. Bars, Bordelle und alle Formen von großstädtischem Vergnügen wurden selbst genossen, die gesellschaftskritischen Abbilder entstammten eigenen Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen. Das Treiben in den Tempeln der Nacht, das düster-grelle Straßenbild Berlins – von Grosz selbst als „Gewimmel besessener Menschentiere“ betitelt, beides ist heute anders und anders motiviert, aber auch wir haben Masken, den Mob, Mitläufer, Voyeure und drastische Bilder – 2008. Es geht auch jetzt um die Überforderung der Wahrnehmung, die Gleichzeitigkeit der Geschehnisse, das organisierte Chaos...

Wie sehen Künstler, die in Berlin leben und arbeiten ihre Stadt? Welche Position beziehen sie? Die des Kritikers, die des Betrachters, die des Machers, des Involvierten, des stillen Genießers? Was sind heute die Schauplätze unserer Metropole und wozu dienen sie? Zur Zerstreuung oder Kommunikation, zur Zusammenrottung oder Selbstauflösung? Wie lässt sich die heutige Doppelbödigkeit einer Metropole abbilden, darstellen, expressiv erlebbar machen? In der Ausstellung ROTES HAUS beziehen 29 junge internationale bildende und darstellende Künstler Stellung dazu.

VERNISSAGE: 4. Juli 2008, 19 Uhr  +++ AUSSTELLUNGSDAUER: 5. Juli - 17. August 2008

+++ AUSSTELLUNGSORT: Kunstraum/Kreuzberg Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin. Öffnungszeiten: täglich 12-19 Uhr



Première of "Désarmés" in Tel'Aviv

Première of "Désarmés" at the Cinémathèque in Tel'Aviv Première of "Désarmés" at the Cinémathèque in Tel'Aviv

Read the full article also here:

"Fucking Different Tel'Aviv", the third of the serie "Fucking Different" after Berlin and New York has been released and screened for the Opening of the Tel Aviv LGBT Film Festival on June 23rd... In "Désarmés - Surrender" (November Wanderin, 2008), the secretive and melancholic French dancer Daniel is invited to perform at the Israeli Modern Dance Company, directed by the choregrapher Avi, even more famous for his numerous sex encounters in Tel'Aviv.. I won't tell more :-) but for sure it is a fucking different gay short!

Happy and honored to perform for the opening in front of all the Festival Guests from all over the world, and quite a lot of acquaintances here, and even dear friends after a couple of stays there... The backstage of the Cinemathèque is quite simple.... it is just behind the screen, and it is... transparent! Nobody can see me, but I see the audience in front of me. Thrilling feeling of being invisible before getting very visible on stage! By 40° C my gaffer bands melt and I have to scratch them off my skin not to feel too awkward. It is quite historic for me, as I never show my chest, but - at the end, I decide for transgender pride!

Thanks tranny-bros for your great support and your commitment during the Festival. Yes, we are all beautiful! :-)



Drag Festival

My friend visiting from Amsterdam shows me a picture which could have been the source of inspiration for "Femme Like You" and "Torn" that I was performing last night at the Werkstatt der Kulturen - a favourite of the audience that the Festival organizer had asked me to perform again... As far as I remember, I created this performance 3 years ago (gosh), obnubilated by the idea of a turning point to change quickly between the genders, realizing that eventually I was the turning point, as soon as I would turn around..



Rendez-Vous de Minuit au Bar de toutes les Déraisons...

Bar jeder Vernunft Meine Lieben,

Zazie de Paris hat mich charmanterweise zu Ihrer glamoureusen SHOW "Rendez-Vous de Minuit" unter der wunderschönen Zelt der Bar Jeder Vernunft am 31. Mai eingeladen, die in der Tat um exakt Mitternacht startet. Als einer unter vielen Künstlern des reichhaltigen Abendsprogramms werde ich auf französisch singen, und vielleicht doch auch ein bißchen auf english slamen... mehr werde ich nicht verraten - viel lieber würde ich Euch allen in dieser magischen Nacht im Kerzenlicht der kleinen Tischen sehen zu können, damit Ihr bei mir seid wenn ich einen kleinen Traum realisiere..

In diesem Sinne - visitez la tente de toutes les déraisons, wie der Huguenotte zu sagen pflegte.. ;-)

Au plaisir de vous y retrouver,




Sündikat Party in Zürich

Accueil francaisWell - that was quite a welcome at the airport already! nice entry outside the European Community..

The location where the party announced to be a sin by its only name is wonderful and will indeed be the set for the nicest discussions, appartés in the dark, words full of respect and astonishment, explosions of laugh and joy, on the limpid reflections of the Limmat glittering in the moon...

Provitreff day

Michelle is such a subtle photographer that I can hardly see her during the technical rehearsal.

Great atmosphere at the dinner for the artists, the feeling of a family again while dancing like mad with the local matadors and beautiful women who came from Lausanne, Bern or even Italia to enjoy the special mood after the show.
