Nobody would believe it but YES, I am shy, but so honoured to have been invited by Céline (Robinet) and Nicolas' Come4Event team to make that 1st part of our french Poetry Slam Stars Rouda & Lyor.. To cheer me up, Céline me dit "ne t'en fais pas, on ne va pas te vendre comme un poetry slamer! ;-)"
For this first work together it was about to experience the mix of a new style: the meeting of transgender performance with spoken word. And what a cool mix within a great event! The only snag of the evening: of our two new head-set mics only one decided to work. All right, for the 3rd show in a row with a mic' problem I think that might be the very last time. Because the next time I wanna have my very own and new one!
Je ne pourrais même pas dire combien les mots et les rythmes et les gestes et les yeux du Collectif 129h ont su me toucher ce soir-là, en plein coeur, comme une révélation que le slam pouvait aussi naître en moi.
Merci à Céline de m'avoir permis de partager ces moments forts.
Et merci à Anne pour la musique..