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Breaking the frame at Wigstöckel

As it is the rule, it was a Première for "Dolce Vita", an animation drawn by Martina Minette Dreier, illustrating best the theme of the evening - (T)räume. T for trans, Räume for rooms, Träume for dreams - Minette and I decided to take the briefing quite seriously and create a wonderful story between the paradize of protected rooms, the nightmare of illusion and segregation, and the challenge of hope...

"dolce vita" by Martina Minette Dreier

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Sad erotics, guilty pleasures at StudioxX

It took quite a while to paint the whole translation of the new song "Slow" on my body. Minette did it very thoroughly, we occupied the bathroom for quite a while. Of course everybody wanted to pee at that very moment!!

The perfomance in 3 parts has been conceived only for this exhibition of Minette...

www.doinggender.de A girl went straight to Lena after the show and asked her: "Is it a boy or a girl?" I could hear her question, so I stopped her in the corridor and said: I'm both, somehow.. She looked irritated, and for a little while, following her eyes looking for a more obvious gender sign on my body, I thought she might grab my torso or even between my legs, like the other person with the same question last year in Hannover... but she left, looking at me increduleously a last time before shouting the door.

ThanXXX Debra to shoot these precious moments... incl. best time ever in the bathroom to erase all these sad erotic words from my body with no guilty pleasure!!


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Travelqueeries at Barbie Deinhoff

I like the Barbie Deinhoff, even if it has been changing and pretty much accused of gentrification since Lena left. But well - it is a place which reminds me of plenty of past shows and parties and beautiful, colourful moments shared with trans family and friends,  a place where the first scene of the documentary has been shot, so somehow, I will like it forever...

Tonight, for the first time, I will show the most personal performance I ever conceived for the stage, I called it Torn, it is about the struggle between the genders... it is about travelling inbetween, so it was made for the travelqueeries party - a film shot by Eliatt Graney-Saucke.

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Berlin Summertime

here we go - the summer is here again. nothing better than a urban swim in the middle of the town to refresh body and mind... a bit tired after the show last week for the release party of the drag king book, but how nice is it to be on stage to fight for more visibility of our community?


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Sweaty TriQ Party

I am always tensed before going on stage when I sing something for the first time, especially THIS time, as it is the first song I wrote with my brother together, the music seems to come directly from my heart and I feel like undressing my soul in front of the audience...

You said there is a place as wide as the sky Somewhere between the moon and the sea You said there is a place between dark and light A place beyond the he an the she

By performing it the first time, I dedicate the song to the TriQ Association working hard for the rights of transgender people.

www.transinterqueer.org And believe it or not: the ceiling is leaking... of condensed sweat!!! Is that the proof for a really great party?! ;-)



On the way to the Alhambra Oldenburg

On the train to Oldenburg I realize I will perform tonight for the first time the full version of "Homophobia", a song I wrote on my way back from the CSD Warsaw last year... on the train. I must smile again, because it will ALSO be the première of "Far beyond" I finished to write on a train TOO, somewhere between Berlin and Rügen, on a quest for salty, fresh air and a bit of peace... Seens trains are inspiring to me...
